We can reheat the apple pie in multiple ways using appliances like an oven, air fryer, and microwave. The first one being the oven is the simplest way to retain the softness within and make the pie crispier outside.
Here are the steps to reheat the McDonald’s apple pie using an oven:
Step 1: The temperature of the oven should be set to 350°F (180°C) and preheat.
Step 2: Place a foil on the baking tray and polish it slightly with some oil or butter.
Step 3: Place the McDonald’s apple pie on the foil and let it rest in the oven for 2-3 minutes. It should not be covered.
Step 4: After 2-3 minutes, take the apple pie out of the oven and flip it over to its other side.
Step 5: Put the apple pie back in the oven and let it rest for another 2-3 minutes.
Step 6: After 2-3 minutes, take it out of the oven. Now it is again back to its original hot and crispy form and ready to serve.
How to check if the pie is properly reheated?
To make sure that the McDonald’s apple pie is hot inside-out and not just hot on the surface, you need to take the pie out of the oven and insert a fork or a wooden toothpick into its center for a few seconds. If the toothpick is hot to touch after taking it out, the pie has been reheated well and its crispiness is restored. You can also use a food thermometer as an alternative to check it.
What are the precautions to be taken while reheating?
Try not to leave the pie in the oven for too long while trying to make it crispier as it might burn in no time.
Do not start munching as soon as the pie gets out of the oven and let it cool down for a bit. The filling inside the pie is always hotter than the surface, as it gets boiled while reheating, and taking a quick bite might burn your mouth.
Place multiple pies with some gap between each of them or they might stick to each other.
How to reheat McDonald’s apple pie using an air fryer?
Step 1: The temperature of the air fryer should be set to 350°F (180°C).
Step 2: Keep the McDonald’s apple pie in the basket provided in the air fryer.
Step 3: Let it fry for 2-3 minutes inside the air fryer.
Step 4: After 2-3 minutes, remove the apple pie out of the basket and let it cool down a bit before serving.
Is an air fryer a good option to reheat McDonald’s apple pie?
Using an air fryer is the best method to reheat the apple pie but it might not be available in every kitchen. The crispiness restored by an air fryer is just perfect with a delightful flavor. It is also the quickest method without any fuss.
How to reheat McDonald’s apple pie using a microwave?
Step 1: Place parchment paper on the microwave-safe plate in order to absorb any moisture present.
Step 2: Place the pies on the parchment paper and set the temperature to a high power level.
Step 3: The apple pie should be reheated for 40-50 seconds while having 10-second intervals in between.
Step 4: After 40-50 seconds, take the apple pie out of the microwave and let it cool down a bit before munching.
Is the microwave a good option to reheat McDonald’s apple pie?
A microwave is a good option to reheat, only if you do not care about the crispiness of the McDonald’s apple pie and only want to enjoy its hot flavor. A microwave would not be able to restore the crispy surface perfectly but it reheats the apple pie evenly, inside-out. Since it is a quick process, the pie should not be reheated for too long or it will become soggy and will lose its texture.
- Is there any loss of flavor due to reheating?
No, there is no loss of flavor due to reheating.
- Can we freeze the McDonald’s apple pie?
Yes, you can freeze the McDonald’s apple pie in the freezer for up to two weeks.
- Are there any storage tips for McDonald’s apple pie?
Yes, you can store them in air-tight containers which are lined with paper towels and they should be at room temperature while storing. You can also store them in the fridge or in the freezer.