A good way to stay within budget is learning to read your receipt, that way you can tell how much your shopping item has acclimated to and what needs to be taken off. If you’re shopping from WIC, this article is a good place to learn to read your receipt. If you’re shopping from WIC, this article is a good place to learn to read your receipt. 

How Do I Read A WIC Receipt?

 A good way to stay within budget is learning to read your receipt, that way you can tell how much your shopping item has acclimated to and what needs to be taken off. 

Reading a WIC receipt follows certain steps. WIC receipts can be read after the completion of each step. So, let’s go through it all:

Step 1: Slot in your eWIC card into the machine which then produces a Beginning “Balance Receipt” for you. In the beginning balance receipt, you will find your current card balance written at the top middle of the receipt. This receipt also shows goods and their prices that are available to you for purchase. 

Step 2: After selecting the WIC goods you’re purchasing, another receipt known as the utilization receipt will pop up on the purchase screen. To read this receipt isn’t as hard as the first. All that you need to know on the receipt is that the receipt is a breakdown of the selected goods you intend to purchase. So look at the goods and confirm that they are all you want. If they are, then look to the right end of the description of the goods and you will see the prices of each good. Confirm that the prices fall within your budget. If they do, then you can go on to accepting the order by punching the accepting button or if not, punch the update tab on the screen. 

Step 3: After accepting the order, another receipt pops up. This receipt shows the balance of goods left on your card and is known as an “Ending Balance Receipt”. To read this: the QTY stands for quantity. All the numbers written below are the number of goods. A description is the names of the goods. Their prices are written just directly opposite the goods’ description. 

Step 4: After all payments have been processed, this receipt is displayed. To read it, kindly note that all the items and quantities written on this list are the items purchased from the store. These items are both WIC and non-WIC items. The amount written is the total amount of goods purchased. This receipt is known as a purchase receipt. You should also look directly beneath the receipt, a certain date is displayed. That date represents the last date to purchase the items on your benefit balance for that month. Also, look below this date. Another date is shown which shows the last date to purchase items in your benefit balance for the year. 

About WIC

The first thing you should know about WIC is that it is an acronym that stands for Women, Infants, and Children. Yes, it doesn’t feel right, because that’s not all there is to WIC as a name. It’s called “The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)”. This should make more sense to you and align with your thoughts. Let’s know more about WIC:

Well back to WIC, they have been in the business of improving human pregnancy and aiding learning activities of children from a nutritional perspective for well over 40 years in the United States.  

They do this by making certain services that guarantee the health of you and your family. Some of their services include offering nutritional counseling, rendering parenting pieces of advice,  supporting breastfeeding, food assistance, and general referrals.  

Although they run short-term programs under the umbrella of WIC, their services are extended to married and single parents, grandparents, or anyone taking responsibility for a child or ward under 10 years.  

WIC also provides healthy foods at a discounted rate for families. That way, you hold on to your tight budget, stick to it yet stand no risk of generating bad health conditions. Some of the healthy foods are milk, cereal, cheese, peanut butter, juice, eggs, baby food, whole grains, yogurt, etc.  


Everyone is trying to be financially disciplined; no one is willing to spend beyond their means but when it comes to food and items they consume, their hands are almost tied. They tend to spend more than budgeted. But thanks to WIC you can shop for healthy products and yet you’re bothered because you’re finding it very hard to read the receipt. Just bear in mind the key concepts we shared above that way, you can tell easily what the receipt means and how to read it. 

  1. I have selected the items to purchase yet I’m seeing a receipt immediately after slotting in my card. What does this mean? 

You are handed several receipts even before you make payments or place an order. To know how to read the receipt, you need to know what the receipt is meant for. See the paragraphs above for more information. 

  1. How can I tell what receipt is for what? 

Every receipt you see is always tilted. The receipt title is always written above at the top middle.