Instead of using the cut and copy commands, “Ctrl + X” and “Ctrl + V”, to move content, you can more quickly move text using fewer keystrokes. Any content, including text, graphics, and tables, can be moved using the “F2” key and the “Enter” key.

Simply highlight the content you want to move and press “F2”.

Place the cursor where you want to move the content.

Press “Enter”. The content is cut from its original location and pasted at the cursor.

You can also copy and paste content using “F2”. Simply highlight your content and press “Shift + F2”. Then, press “Enter” in the desired location to paste the content.

NOTE: Both the “F2” and “Shift + F2” shortcuts only work once. They do not add the content to the clipboard for pasting multiple times. Once you press “Enter” you’d have to repeat the process unless you undo your last action using “Ctrl + Z”.

We used Word 2016 to illustrate this feature, but it works in earlier versions of Word as well. There is also another way to move or copy text without affecting the clipboard and a way to move or copy multiple non-contiguous blocks of content to another location.