There is no surefire way to view someone’s Instagram stories without them knowing, but there are a few methods that may work. One way is to view the person’s profile page and then click on the three small circles in the top right corner of the screen; this will show you all of the person’s stories.

There’s no way to see how many times someone looks at your story. However, you can see the number of people who have viewed it.

There is no definite way to tell if someone has been looking at your Instagram profile, as there are many third-party applications that allow users to view others’ profiles anonymously. However, there are some clues that could suggest someone has been snooping. For example, if you notice that you have received a lot of likes or comments on a post shortly after uploading it, it’s possible that the person who liked or commented was watching your profile while the post was live.

The three dots on Instagram’s story mean that someone has sent you a direct message.

Yes, someone can see how many times you viewed their Instagram story. If you view someone’s story more than once, it will be counted as one view.

Yes, if you view someone’s Instagram story while you are private, they will be able to see that you viewed it.

There’s no surefire way to know for certain if someone is stalking your Instagram, but there are some telltale signs. If you’re noticing that someone is constantly liking and commenting on your posts, or if they’re following you very closely (or even if they’re just following a lot of people who are also following you), it’s possible that they’re stalking you. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, it’s best to reach out to Instagram and report the user.

The app doesn’t tell you who specifically views your profile, but it does show you a list of the people who have viewed your profile the most in the past.

There’s no way to tell for sure, but there are some clues. If a person views your story and the “seen by” time says “1 minute ago”, it’s likely they just opened the store and didn’t actually spend any time reading it. If the “seen by” time says “2 minutes ago”, it’s more likely that they read the whole thing.

The person who is always beside you on Instagram stories is likely one of your followers. Instagram stories are a great way to connect with your followers and build relationships with them. By default, Instagram stories will show the people who have recently interacted with your account the most. This includes people who have liked or commented on your posts, or who has been added to your story.