From October 5 – 8, 2017, over 180,000 pop culture fans of all description will descend on Manhattan for New York Comic Con. It’s a mammoth weekend full of panels, signings and more, recently surpassing San Diego Comic-Con to become the biggest comic convention in the world.

For an event this big, you really don’t want to turn up unprepared. If you’re one of the many attending this year, here’s a rundown of everything you need to consider and sort before even making your way to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. First, make sure to buy your tickets and enter to win 4-day NYCC passes from Screen Rant!

What To Wear to NYCC

Conventions days are long ones that will have you standing or walking, so above all the focus should be comfort - and this is most important when it comes to footwear. Make sure you have genuinely comfortable shoes that you’re happy wearing for 10+ hours. Forget style. Choose comfort. You’ll thank us later.

If you’re going in cosplay, the same basic advice applies - make sure that as cool as you look, it’s comfortable (and practical - think of eating and toilet breaks) too. You’re going to be in costume for a long time with no real option of removal.

Remember Food and Drink

You’re potentially going to be the convention center for upwards of eight hours - and boy is all that standing and geeking out going to zap your energy reserves. There are plenty of places to grab a bite to eat or a drink within the event, but you’d be smart to bring provisions of some description.

A bottle of water is a must to stay hydrated and there are places where you can refill around the event. As for food, even if it is just a few snacks, they’ll at least tide you over - energy bars or similar are a great, lightweight way to deal with an event that doesn’t make much consolations for a proper lunch break. If you have time to prepare one, though, a packed lunch isn’t a bad shout either.

What Else To Bring to NYCC

You don’t want to overpack - especially if you’re planning to pick up some merch - but a backpack of essentials is a lifesaver at a convention. As well as your food and drink, you want basic necessities like hand sanitizer, tissues, deodorant and just to be safe a few plasters.

NYCC also makes a big point of having some cash on you due to ATM lines and card fees, so if you think you’ll be buying anything - from food to exclusives - you’d be wise having a few notes on you (not everywhere takes plastic).

But we’d say the smartest thing that’s easy to overlook is a power pack. Smartphone batteries struggle to last a day at the best of times and between the queuing and finding your way around, yours is going to get a workout at the convention. A fully-stocked charger will remove any worries about it dying and allow you to enjoy the event without constantly checking the battery meter. And if you forget to top up your power pack (although try not to), AT&T’s booth (#556 on the Show Floor) has a charging station.

Be Ready To Queue for NYCC Lines

You will queue. This is true for any convention and doubly so when we’re dealing with a major event like NYCC. So, for starters, be mentally prepared to spend a lot of time waiting to get into panels or meet stars.

That said, you can do some things to make a little easier. In some longer queues, there’s space to sit on the floor, which is always a relief. But having something besides a phone - a book or a game - to help pass the time goes a long way.

In terms of the entrance queues at the start of the day, a good tip if you don’t desperately need to be on the floor from the very opening is to wait an hour or so for the initial mass to go in - you can skip a long wait that way (and then fit in time for a bite to eat).

The NYCC Apps And Accounts You Must Follow

Although the best advice we can give for queues is to follow @NYCCLines on Twitter. An official account, it will provide rolling updates of queue length and panel availability, meaning you’ll know immediately whether you actually stand a chance of getting into the next talk. Be sure to follow and set notifications on.

Also on your phone (seriously, you need that power pack) is the official NYCC app. This is a pretty exhaustive guide to the whole event that keeps everything updated, so should you forget to plan something before going in that’s easy to amend.


We’ll be running more guides for what to do while you’re at the convention in the coming week, including which panels and autographs to keep an eye out for. Stick with Screen Rant for all your NYCC needs.

For more information, head to the official New York Comic Con website.