To make a comment on a post, simply click on the “Comment” link below the post. This will open up a text box where you can type in your comment. Once you have finished typing in your comment, click on the “Post Comment” button to submit it.
Comments on Instagram work similarly to comments on other social media platforms. When you post a photo or video, your followers can leave comments below it. You can also reply to comments from other users.
To post a nice comment on Instagram, you should first find a photo that you like. Next, type your comment in the text box and hit “enter.” If you want to add a sticker or emoji to your comment, tap the smiling face icon next to the text box.
There are a few reasons why you might not be able to comment on your own post.One possibility is that your account has been blocked from commenting. This could happen if you’ve posted spam or other inappropriate content in the past.Another possibility is that your account is new and hasn’t been verified yet. In order to leave comments, your account must be verified as belonging to you.
To comment on a picture, you can either use the comments section on the website where the picture is hosted, or you can use a third-party app like Instagram or Facebook.On most websites, you can simply type your comment into the text field and hit “submit.” On Instagram and Facebook, you can add a comment by clicking on the picture and typing your comment in the text field that appears.
There are a few reasons why you might not be able to post comments on Instagram. One possibility is that your account has been blocked or deleted. Another reason could be that the comment you’re trying to post contains inappropriate content. Finally, if Instagram is experiencing technical difficulties, you may also be unable to post comments.
To start a comment on Instagram, type your message in the text box at the bottom of the screen and hit “enter.” If you want to add a photo or video to your comment, tap the camera icon in the top-right corner of the text box.
Yes, you can post hashtags in comments. However, be aware that not all platforms allow hashtags in comments. For example, Instagram does not allow them in comments, but they do allow them in posts.
To comment on a friend’s post, just click the “Comment” link under the post. Type your comment in the text box, and then click “Post Comment.
Commenting on someone’s looks is always a risky move, but it can be done in a way that is respectful and complimentary. Try something like, “You are stunning! I’m so lucky to have seen you.” or “You’re gorgeous! What’s your secret?