To play NBA 2K15, you first need to install the game on your computer or gaming console. Once the game is installed, you can create a player or choose one of the default players. You can then compete in games against other players or the computer.

There are a number of controls in NBA 2K15. To move your player, you use the left analog stick. To shoot or pass, you use the right analog stick. You can also use the buttons on the controller to do certain things.

Yes, you can play NBA 2K15 My Career offline. The game will allow you to create a custom player and play through his career, starting in the NBA G League. You can also choose to play as an existing NBA player.

To set a screen in NBA 2K15, hold down the R2/RT button and move your player in the direction you want to set the screen.

To steal the ball in NBA 2K15, you need to be close to the player with the ball and press the Steal button. If successful, you’ll take the ball from them.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, some things that may help you improve your skills in 2K15 include practicing regularly, studying the game’s mechanics, watching high-level gameplay, and playing against better players.

There are a few things you need to do in order to post up effectively in 2k15. First, you need to be in the right position on the court – you should be near the basket, facing your opponent. You should also have the ball in your hands so you can make a move on your defender.Once you’re in position, you need to use your body to shield the ball from your defender.

The button that shoots on 2k is usually the “B” button.

There are a few ways to double team in 2k15. One way is to have one player guard the ball handler while the other player guards the player who is being screened. Another way is to have both players guard the ball handler.

Yes, 2K15 still works online. However, it is no longer supported by 2K and you may experience some issues if you try to play online.

You can play MyCareer offline by selecting “Play Offline” from the main menu.