To see the messages in a WhatsApp group, first open the group. Then, at the top of the screen, tap on the name of the group. This will take you to the group’s chat screen. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the chat screen, and then select “View Messages.
To send a message to a specific person in a WhatsApp group, you can long-press on their name in the chat list. This will bring up a menu with three options – “Send Message”, “Call”, and “Add to Group”. Tap on “Send Message” to send the person a private message.
There is no way to see who has read your WhatsApp group chat on Android. However, you can see who is online by going to the group chat’s info page and looking at the participants list.
To control a WhatsApp group message, the administrator of the group must first be identified. Once the administrator is identified, they can then control the messages that are sent within the group.
There is no way to see WhatsApp group messages without being seen. If you are not a part of the group, you will not be able to see the messages.
There’s no way to know for sure if someone has opened your WhatsApp message, but there are some clues you can look for. For example, if the message is sent as a group chat, you’ll be able to see who has read it and who hasn’t. Additionally, if you send a message with an image or video, the recipient will see a preview of the media when they open the message.
To send a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts without saving their phone numbers, open the WhatsApp app and type the message you want to send. Tap and hold the text box to select all of the recipients, then tap the blue arrow in the top right corner of the screen. The message will be sent to all of the selected contacts.
It’s best not to post anything that could be seen as inflammatory or offensive. This includes posts about politics, religion, or sensitive topics.
To send a text message to multiple contacts, type the message in the “message” field as you would normally, then separate the contact names with commas.
There’s no definitive way to know for certain if someone is checking your last seen on WhatsApp, but there are a few things you can do to try and get a sense of whether or not they’re interested in knowing when you last used the app. For example, if the person you’re trying to track down is always asking about your whereabouts or what you’re up to, it’s likely that they’re paying close attention to your last seen.